Version of addon

I’ve just downloaded the latest version of the classic addon, but when i do best i bags, it keeps telling me, than im using an old version? :confused:

Which version did you download? It says in small text in-game at the bottom of the addon window which version was loaded.

It says ask mr robot v5 loaded? :confused:

Sorry for the delayed reply – had to go out of town for a couple days.

That seems correct – could you copy that string of text into a post here for me so that I can try it out?

Hehe no worries :slight_smile:
Here you go:
$5;EU;Living Flame;Cursylla;Discomfort;4;1;59;0:0;1;.s1;WARLOCK;52503022015113000000000000000000000550122000500000;.q1;866s16f1853;2694s3;1655s18f1100;1685s5;1353s6;3620s15;38s7;6s9;56s11f1504;14s12f771;859s14;1425s1f878;11s10f1037;4859s13;1500s8e18;.inv;1131;79;833;278;1392;404;188;1;32;0;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;157;87;1;1634;42;5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;110;573;396;264;364;557;237;182;4;696;213f1025;421f218;278;2;376;1;1;38;20;85;0;45;6;0;1;2;0;1;14;22;1;1;0;26;308;1;357;234;101;5;151;79;286;79;12;25;51;5;1;1;1;288;256;374;230;0;0;0;0;0;995;665;82;1;412;2420;2119;636;866;0;197684;1358;2628$

Thanks – that string worked just fine for me. My guess is that you were perhaps not using the correct version of the optimizer.

For the classic era optimizer, make sure you are here:

(When on The War Within optimizer, you can get to this classic version via the “Classic Era” link at the top-right of any page.)

Cheers! your link worked! :slight_smile: