Why is this item so highly recommended?

Hi all, I’ve had a recommendation from the upgrade finder that I don’t understand; could someone please explain why this item is such a huge upgrade? This is for my single target raid dps spec, i.e. in SoD/Maw. I am wearing Unstable Energizer Boots (239 ilvl, 75 Has/38 Cri, +Dom socket). Upgrade finder suggests choosing Daschla’s Defiant Treads from the Vault (239 ilvl, 34 Has/79 Cri, +Dom socket). With the two items almost identical, I wouldnt have thought this was much of an upgrade, but Upgrade Finder rates it as a colossal +11.67%. What am I missing?

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Thanks, here is my snapshot ID: 23f89cc98af747fa8c388c82e202d8a3
When I tried it again today I got a slightly different result, the Daschla’s is still recommended, but its only a +4.41% upgrade today, which still seems pretty high. I dont think I changed any Mr Robot settings? There were no changes to my Best in Bags result for this single target spec, but there is an extra trinket in my bags from raid tonight. Can’t think of anything else that might have changed.

For some reason, the optimizer isn’t recommending that you use the unholy set bonus for your single target WW set (which is the set I assume you are talking about right now). Using the set bonus is significantly better than the current setup. The upgrade finder is obviously finding that you should activate the set bonus, which is why that item with the domination socket is ranking so high.

I’ll look into why the set bonus isn’t being selected initially… it does pick a set bonus when I test it on my development version of the site.

Ok, I figured it out.

Your top priority spec has “in maw/sanctum” unchecked, so the items are being locked without the set bonus active. The upgrade finder is getting a set bonus for that third priority spec because in maw/sanctum IS checked. You should uncheck that from the single target setup if you don’t want it considered.

Ahh yes that makes sense now. Since I have disallowed moving Shards in my higher-priority M+ setup, I dont have enough Domination sockets to make the set bonus in raid. The two pairs of boots are therefore not identical; the second pair has an unused Dom socket, which is a huge upgrade. Thanks!

(I know its a lot to ask for a feature that will only last one tier, but geez it would be helpful if the in-game addon could automate Shard swapping…)

I’m not even sure if it’s possible to swap shards with the addon… would have to look into it. The API is pretty tough to use, would require scripting the use of the item to remove the shard and the socket UI and all that… I’m not sure if you can cancel/ignore all of the prompts via scripts or not.

Not to mention if it ever made a mistake and overwrote a Shard and deleted it… Yeah I don’t think its a priority.

Interestingly the optimiser prefers the Blood set bonus for single target (both BiB and BiS). I hadn’t expected that, just assumed that the Unholy set was the “DPS” one.
edit: googled it and that was expected after some early buffs of Blood, apparently

I would suggest allowing shard moving in all setups, and then using an addon like this one to quickly remove your shards and then reapply them after swapping gear/spec. It’s annoying to have to do it, but it’s free to do and free throughput is hard to pass up.


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Also, they buffed the blood set bonus by 20% just a couple days ago on Tuesday, and our rankings have reflected that since Wednesday (usually takes us a day to update rankings after the game updates). It should be a much closer choice between the 3 bonuses now rather than “unholy is almost always better.”

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