WW Monk + Shard of Dyz inconsistencies

I was doing some testing around which Shards of Domination to use in Mythic+ and I noticed some inconsistencies with the implementation of Shard of Dyz (as well as a couple other things). I would expect it to simulate approximately the same as Shard of Bek (which it does in single target) but it sims worse. I expect some of that can be explained by the SCK and FoF notes below.

I tested this on some dummies outside Heart of the Forest, here is my list of things that happen differently in-game, regarding Shard of Dyz:

Faeline Stomp DOES NOT apply Shard of Dyz
SEF images DO NOT apply Shard of Dyz
Xuen DOES NOT apply Shard of Dyz
Whirling Dragon Punch DOES NOT apply Shard of Dyz
Touch of Karma DOES NOT apply Shard of Dyz

Phial of Putrefaction ticks DO apply Shard of Dyz
Every tick of SCK DOES apply Shard of Dyz to ALL targets
Fists of Fury DOES apply Shard of Dyz to ALL targets

Past that, I found a few other general inconsistencies which are minor and probably don’t matter much:

SEF images DO NOT cast Chi Burst
Faeline Stomp DOES NOT apply Phial of Putrefaction
Xuen DOES NOT apply Phial of Putrefaction
Whirling Dragon Punch DOES NOT apply Phial of Putrefaction

This is the simulation I was using to compare the live game with: Not Available

I’ve seen some talk about these shards and the triggering being all over the place, especially with spells that have a “secondary” spell that does the actual damage.

I’ll do a pass and update these in the simulator soon - was kind of slow-rolling it in hopes it got hotfixed before I had to figure it all out. These set bonuses are a very un-interesting system from a simulation/optimization standpoint, so I’ve been less inclined to really dig into the details of it. You’re going to get them if you can, and there isn’t much of an interesting choice to be made.

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