Your best gear has

Good morning,

what I don’t get: my little priest Fenchel has the task to mount up some Mastery while tuning down on Crit, Hast and Vers. Still, you suggest to enhance all items with Vers. But there are Mastery gems and enchantments available. Or does this category simply mean that the stats will move in that direction, not that it is necessarily needed that way?

What the yellow bars on the right-hand side suggest is that better/upgraded gear would likely have more Mastery on it, not that a Mastery switch to the gear you have would be better; what the gemming/enchant options indicate is how to get the best out of this set now.

AMR’s throughput ‘algorithm’ doesn’t have a preset stat. priority, more that it uses/accepts hundreds of combinations of stat’s that give “+/-2% margin of error” the same result/viability.

What you can do is where there is a green ‘box’ that suggests Vers., click on it to see what Mastery variants offer… it may well be that a gear item is likely to offer a larger Mastery swing than any gem enchant can, too.

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Thanks for the explanation!