Snapshot ID: e102130d07e94b6587318d6de85399b6
Addon seems to not like this toon. All my other toons everything works fine.
Addon seems to not like this toon. All my other toons everything works fine.
The first thing to try when you have problems with the addon is reset it. In your chat window in-game type:
/amr reset
That will set all options to default and re-center the window. Try that first and see if it helps out.
Thanks yellowfive, but that did not work for me.
Oh I see – it was an error on the website, not in the addon. We’ll take a look and see what’s up.
Thank you so much yellowfive, really appreciate that.
This will be fixed in our website update sometime tomorrow (probably later in the day).
In the meantime if you need to get around this issue, fill out the Colossus hero tree – you have 6 unspent talent points. That will avoid this particular error until it is fixed.
Thanks Yellowfive. I appreciate you in helping me. On my end I have filled out the Colossus tree. Wondering if that is were the issue might be. I just tried the best in bags again (1/21 at 8:56 am EST) and it didn’t work.
So when you import your character from the game, we don’t overwrite the talents in your setups. We do this so that you can e.g. have two setups for the same spec, like raid and mythic+. (If you have two Arms setups and import… we would not really know which one to overwrite, and it would get very annoying for users.)
On your Best in Bags Arms setup, in the “step 1” column under “pick talents”, click anywhere on the talents or the “edit talents” button to bring up the editor. Fill out the talents, or click “use last imported talents” under the tree to make them match the last talents we saw in-game for your Arms spec.
Thank you so much. That was the issue. I never even noticed that, sorry.
Hello members of Wow who use Mr. Robot. I am experiencing a situation with my Mr. Robot app that not covered, as far as I can see, by any other post. I am unable to use the Snapshot option because my problem will not show in the app or page. Here is the situation. I have two characters that are both Demon Hunters, Vengeance spec. Denious, level 51, resides on Thrall realm. The character I am having the issue with is Denioustwo, level 71, from the Khaz Modan realm. The Mr. Robot icon/button will not appear on mini map. Also, Denioustwo no longer appears on the character drop-down list on the website. the problem started two days ago. Prior to (three to four days ago), the app worked fine.
I believe the issue was caused by a bug or major glitch when I entered an instance, through the group finder option in the game (War Within). I the instance, my action buttons went blank. The was listed the, but my character was not in the list. I died times, and the healer kept rezzing me The group kept asking I doing. answered that action bar buttons would not function. The group was kind to carry me I did receive credit and a piece of gear.
I attempted to use the app, but the app icon/button was no longer on the mini map, hence no ability export any data.
Here is a list of actions I tried: I reloaded the interface. I disabled all addons, reloaded interface, just the Mr. Robot app and reloaded. Then I uninstalled the app, using Curse. I logged off, logged, back on and reloaded the interface. I quit WoW, went offline, and restarted my PC. Each time, the Mr. Robot was on every other character’s mini map but. failed to appear on Denioustwo’s mini map. I am looking for other suggestions on how fix this issue.
Thank you all in advance who will help in this endeavor.
The first thing to try is resetting all of the addon’s settings on that character. You can do that by typing this command in your chat window in-game and then press enter:
/amr reset
If that doesn’t work, let me know and we can try a few other things to try and narrow down the issue.
I am assuming this question is for my post on Jan 17. There is no error message. The icon app will not show on the game mini map for this one character. All other alts work fine.
I tried the /amr reset suggested for another member with no change. Do you have any other suggestions?
If you type:
/amr show
Does the window show?
Are you getting any lua errors? A good way to trap lua errors is to install a pair of debugging addons: BugGrabber and BugSack – these will give you a minimap icon that will turn red when an error happens in any other addon, and you can click it to see the error and copy it here.
Thank you for the suggestions. The /amr show option worked one time. I also installed both the addons BugGrabber and BugSack. neither one detect any bugs or errors. BugSack shows, (You have no bugs. Yea.)
Still no addon icon on the minimap and now the /amr show no longer does anything. So I was able to upgrade gear one time.
Any other advice?
I am looking into minimap or map addons in hope we may have an option presented
I just installed Neat Minimap addon and now the icon is visible. Thank you again for the help
No problem! It’s possible it was hidden behind another icon?
Note that Blizzard added a feature where addons can appear in a small menu at the top-right of your UI rather than as minimap icons, our addon should appear in that as well if you don’t like minimap icons.
Unfortunately I jumped the gun thinking the icon issue was solved. The icon that appears on the Neat minimap is not operable. It will not activate. Again I have 20+ alts and ask mr robot works well on all the others. The problem remains on Deniostwo only
That’s strange that it would only be an issue on one character… the minimap icon is pretty simple… does the addon compartment (little doodad usually at the top-right of your screen, part of the default blizzard UI) have an entry for our addon?
Yes, the mini map has the add-on doodad you ask about. The ask Mr. Robot icon drops down, however, nothing happens when the icon itself is clicked. The game UI no longer has a reload option ability. Last night I logged on to another character (alt). Ask Mr, Robot worked once. After acquiring new gear I tried again, and now I can’t get Mr robot to work on that alt either. I have disabled all addons then check Ask Mr, Robot only, the only add-on enabled and still no go. There is no way to export the info needed to paste to the import on the website. As a test I will log onto another alt and see if the same thing happens. My suspension is Mr. Robot is no long campatible with the new game UI, I will update you after this test,
Update: I was able to restore a working Icon on the last alt I applied this procedure in the following order, 1- Completely exited the game, 2 when the main log on screen loaded, I did not log onto any characters, I made sure I chose the realm the character with the issue was entered, 3 From the main screen I opened the menu. From the UI I chose add-ons, I completely disabled all add-ons and clicked ok. 4- reentered the add-on menu and enabled only Ask Mr robot, 5-logged onto the alt and pulled up the UI while on the alt, 6 checked to be sure the only add-on enabled was only Ask Mr robot. 7- reentered the game and the icon showed on the mini map, as well as the dropdown doodad, this solved the issue on this alt,
I repeated the same procedures while on the main loaded screen, Unfortunately the problem is still on the Denioustwo character.
Addition info: On Denioustwo the icon is in the doodad, When right-clicked Mr robot changes specs. Still no way to open the export window when I left-click.
I apologize for the lengthy details. I wanted to be as specific as possible on the methods I tested,
Looks as if I may just have to play Denioustwo without the help of Mr. Robot, unless anyone has other metods to try.