Cannot import string

I ’m from China, sorry for using Google software to translate. Today I tried to copy the string from the plugin and import it to the website but it prompts me that the string import is invalid, I want to ask is it a server problem?

Could you copy the string from the plugin into a reply to this forum topic so that I can try it? With that I should be able to figure out what is happening.



Neither character can be loaded. I do n’t know why.

i get the same too



The realm 主宰之剑 does not seem to be listed in the TW (Taiwan) region when I look at the realm index on Here are the available TW realms:

    "shadowmoon": "暗影之月",
    "spirestone": "尖石",
    "stormscale": "雷鱗",
    "dragonmaw": "巨龍之喉",
    "frostmane": "冰霜之刺",
    "sundown-marsh": "日落沼澤",
    "hellscream": "地獄吼",
    "skywall": "天空之牆",
    "world-tree": "世界之樹",
    "crystalpine-stinger": "水晶之刺",
    "zealot-blade": "狂熱之刃",
    "chillwind-point": "冰風崗哨",
    "menethil": "米奈希爾",
    "demon-fall-canyon": "屠魔山谷",
    "whisperwind": "語風",
    "bleeding-hollow": "血之谷",
    "arygos": "亞雷戈斯",
    "nightsong": "夜空之歌",
    "lights-hope": "聖光之願",
    "silverwing-hold": "銀翼要塞",
    "wrathbringer": "憤怒使者",
    "arthas": "阿薩斯",
    "queldorei": "眾星之子",
    "icecrown": "寒冰皇冠",
    "order-of-the-cloud-serpent": "雲蛟衛",

@augustcrush – similar issue for you, 水晶之 does not appear in the list of KR (Korea) realms, here is what I have:

   "burning-legion": "불타는 군단",
    "azshara": "아즈샤라",
    "dalaran": "달라란",
    "durotan": "듀로탄",
    "norgannon": "노르간논",
    "garona": "가로나",
    "windrunner": "윈드러너",
    "guldan": "굴단",
    "alexstrasza": "알렉스트라자",
    "malfurion": "말퓨리온",
    "hellscream": "헬스크림",
    "wildhammer": "와일드해머",
    "rexxar": "렉사르",
    "hyjal": "하이잘",
    "deathwing": "데스윙",
    "cenarius": "세나리우스",
    "stormrage": "스톰레이지",
    "zuljin": "줄진",

If you are actually playing in the CN (China) realm, perhaps you imported some addon settings that changed your realm? This post describes how to change that:

Let me know if that resolves the issue. If it does not, we can investigate further. Perhaps there is a locale/translation issue with some realm names.

@yellowfive Hello According to the help information you said, I opened the file under the WTF and found that the display is CN. I copied the information under my WTF file

SET portal “CN”
SET textLocale “zhCN”
SET audioLocale “zhCN”
SET agentUID “wow”
SET overrideArchive “0”
SET hwDetect “0”
SET videoOptionsVersion “22”
SET gxApi “D3D12”
SET gxMaximize “0”
SET gxWindowedResolution “3840x2035”
SET RAIDgraphicsQuality “7”
SET farclip “10000.000000”
SET horizonStart “4000.000000”
SET particleDensity “100.000000”
SET particleMTDensity “100.000000”
SET waterDetail “3.000000”
SET rippleDetail “2.000000”
SET reflectionMode “3.000000”
SET sunShafts “2.000000”
SET refraction “2.000000”
SET groundEffectDensity “256.000000”
SET groundEffectDist “320.000000”
SET volumeFogLevel “3.000000”
SET projectedTextures “1.000000”
SET shadowMode “3.000000”
SET shadowTextureSize “2048.000000”
SET shadowSoft “1.000000”
SET SSAO “4.000000”
SET DepthBasedOpacity “1.000000”
SET textureFilteringMode “5.000000”
SET terrainLodDist “650.000000”
SET wmoLodDist “400.000000”
SET entityLodDist “10.000000”
SET entityShadowFadeScale “50.000000”
SET terrainMipLevel “0.000000”
SET worldBaseMip “0.000000”
SET OutlineEngineMode “2.000000”
SET lodObjectCullSize “14.000000”
SET lodObjectCullDist “30.000000”
SET lodObjectMinSize “20.000000”
SET lodObjectFadeScale “150.000000”
SET RAIDfarclip “7000.000000”
SET RAIDWaterDetail “2.000000”
SET RAIDSSAO “3.000000”
SET RAIDDepthBasedOpacity “1.000000”
SET RAIDgroundEffectDensity “80.000000”
SET RAIDgroundEffectDist “200.000000”
SET RAIDshadowMode “2.000000”
SET RAIDterrainLodDist “500.000000”
SET RAIDwmoLodDist “400.000000”
SET RAIDhorizonStart “1900.000000”
SET RAIDentityLodDist “10.000000”
SET RAIDentityShadowFadeScale “25.000000”
SET RAIDterrainMipLevel “0.000000”
SET RAIDworldBaseMip “0.000000”
SET RAIDtextureFilteringMode “5.000000”
SET RAIDprojectedTextures “1.000000”
SET RAIDshadowTextureSize “2048.000000”
SET RAIDshadowSoft “0.000000”
SET RAIDreflectionMode “0.000000”
SET RAIDrippleDetail “1.000000”
SET RAIDsunShafts “2.000000”
SET RAIDparticleDensity “80.000000”
SET RAIDparticleMTDensity “100.000000”
SET RAIDrefraction “2.000000”
SET RAIDOutlineEngineMode “2.000000”
SET RAIDVolumeFogLevel “2.000000”
SET RAIDlodObjectCullSize “18.000000”
SET RAIDlodObjectCullDist “30.000000”
SET RAIDlodObjectMinSize “0.000000”
SET RAIDlodObjectFadeScale “100.000000”
SET componentTextureLevel “0.000000”
SET RAIDcomponentTextureLevel “0.000000”
SET weatherDensity “3.000000”
SET RAIDweatherDensity “3.000000”
SET graphicsTextureResolution “3”
SET graphicsTextureFiltering “6”
SET graphicsShadowQuality “6”
SET graphicsSSAO “5”
SET raidGraphicsTextureResolution “3.000000”
SET raidGraphicsTextureFiltering “6.000000”
SET raidGraphicsProjectedTextures “2.000000”
SET raidGraphicsViewDistance “7”
SET raidGraphicsEnvironmentDetail “7”
SET raidGraphicsGroundClutter “7”
SET raidGraphicsShadowQuality “4.000000”
SET raidGraphicsLiquidDetail “3.000000”
SET raidGraphicsSunshafts “3.000000”
SET raidGraphicsParticleDensity “4.000000”
SET raidGraphicsSSAO “4.000000”
SET raidGraphicsDepthEffects “4.000000”
SET raidGraphicsOutlineMode “3.000000”
SET worldPreloadNonCritical “0”
SET playIntroMovie “7”
SET engineSurvey “8”
SET checkAddonVersion “0”
SET lastAddonVersion “80300”
SET mouseSpeed “1”
SET screenshotQuality “10”
SET seenAlliedRaceUnlocks “A@@@Ly
SET Sound_NumChannels “64”
SET Sound_EnableAmbience “0”
SET Sound_MusicVolume “0.40000000596046”
SET Sound_AmbienceVolume “0.60000002384186”
SET gameTip “3”
SET VoiceChatMasterVolumeScale “1.000000”
SET ffxGlow “0”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestV2RecordCount “40086”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestV2HotfixCount “0”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestObjectiveRecordCount “40491”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestObjectiveHotfixCount “0”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestObjectiveXEffectRecordCount “14357”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestObjectiveXEffectHotfixCount “0”
SET CACHE-WGOB-GameObjectsRecordCount “85721”
SET CACHE-WGOB-GameObjectsHotfixCount “0”
SET Sound_OutputDriverName “U2790B (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)”
SET raidOrBattleCount “30”
SET Sound_OutputDriverIndex “1”
SET Sound_EnableEmoteSounds “0”
SET Sound_EnablePetSounds “0”
SET advancedCombatLogging “1”
SET VoiceOutputVolume “100”
SET VoiceInputVolume “55”
SET VoiceVADSensitivity “100”
SET Sound_EnableMusic “0”
SET graphicsEnvironmentDetail “10”
SET graphicsGroundClutter “10”
SET movieSubtitle “1”
SET graphicsViewDistance “10”
SET Sound_EnableDialog “0”
SET expandUpgradePanel “0”
SET maxFPS “0”
SET maxFPSBk “0”
SET gxAdapter “NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti”
SET Sound_EnableSFX “0”
SET graphicsQuality “10”
SET graphicsParticleDensity “5”

This is the first time I have encountered this problem. My own plug-in has not been increased or decreased recently. It has been used normally until the normal updated version. Only occasionally, when acquiring new equipment, the same talent situation is not recommended when importing strings, but it is not recommended. In a few hours, when I copy the string, I recommend the newly acquired equipment. I do n’t know if this is the case for other players, or if I am such a special case. I look forward to you helping me solve the problem. Thanks here

I copied the string from the plug-in export to the TXT document and modified it. TW changed to CN for temporary use, but I still hope to use it directly instead of modifying the string to use it. I think the plug-in uses the CN server as another server. I suggest checking it. The server name recognition in the CN area and the server name in the TW area may be confusing. The text of my own WTF has been copied to you above.

That is strange… the region in the string that you copy is from a blizzard function:


That must be returning the incorrect region. Do you have the Taiwan or Korean client installed instead of the Chinese client? That might cause an issue.

Blizzard has always had a hard time reporting the correct region in-game… I can look into adding code that tries to guess at the proper region based on the realm. The issue is that some regions have duplicate realm names.

There is no TW KR client installed, only the CN client.

Strange… I have no idea why it would be reporting TW as your region instead of CN.

In our next update, I’ll see if I can automatically correct the region. It might be a little difficult because it is actually very hard to get the list of CN realms outside of China – Blizzard’s API for the CN region does not work, unfortunately.

I also feel very strange, because I use him every day, but yesterday suddenly showed that it can not be imported, I think it seems that TW was also displayed before but it can be loaded normally. Can I start from this aspect?

I updated the website with a change that is less strict about matching region to realm – let me know if that works now.

Very good, it can be read directly without modification

Very good, it can be read directly without modification. From the plugin or the default TW, but it can already be recognized.