Cannot import string

The realm 主宰之剑 does not seem to be listed in the TW (Taiwan) region when I look at the realm index on Here are the available TW realms:

    "shadowmoon": "暗影之月",
    "spirestone": "尖石",
    "stormscale": "雷鱗",
    "dragonmaw": "巨龍之喉",
    "frostmane": "冰霜之刺",
    "sundown-marsh": "日落沼澤",
    "hellscream": "地獄吼",
    "skywall": "天空之牆",
    "world-tree": "世界之樹",
    "crystalpine-stinger": "水晶之刺",
    "zealot-blade": "狂熱之刃",
    "chillwind-point": "冰風崗哨",
    "menethil": "米奈希爾",
    "demon-fall-canyon": "屠魔山谷",
    "whisperwind": "語風",
    "bleeding-hollow": "血之谷",
    "arygos": "亞雷戈斯",
    "nightsong": "夜空之歌",
    "lights-hope": "聖光之願",
    "silverwing-hold": "銀翼要塞",
    "wrathbringer": "憤怒使者",
    "arthas": "阿薩斯",
    "queldorei": "眾星之子",
    "icecrown": "寒冰皇冠",
    "order-of-the-cloud-serpent": "雲蛟衛",

@augustcrush – similar issue for you, 水晶之 does not appear in the list of KR (Korea) realms, here is what I have:

   "burning-legion": "불타는 군단",
    "azshara": "아즈샤라",
    "dalaran": "달라란",
    "durotan": "듀로탄",
    "norgannon": "노르간논",
    "garona": "가로나",
    "windrunner": "윈드러너",
    "guldan": "굴단",
    "alexstrasza": "알렉스트라자",
    "malfurion": "말퓨리온",
    "hellscream": "헬스크림",
    "wildhammer": "와일드해머",
    "rexxar": "렉사르",
    "hyjal": "하이잘",
    "deathwing": "데스윙",
    "cenarius": "세나리우스",
    "stormrage": "스톰레이지",
    "zuljin": "줄진",

If you are actually playing in the CN (China) realm, perhaps you imported some addon settings that changed your realm? This post describes how to change that:

Let me know if that resolves the issue. If it does not, we can investigate further. Perhaps there is a locale/translation issue with some realm names.