Bummer. I was hoping to use AMR in Cata, but I understand. I guess it’s back to SimC for me.
Just came back to Classic, thinking about raiding, thinking about AskMrRobot - and now the sad news.
Thank you folks for all of your efforts and hard work put into optimizing us classic players over these past 4 years! It’s really been amazing having your service to supplement gearing in WoW Classic.
It is indeed a shame we won’t see this for Cataclysm, but not necessarily a surprise. I am glad that we had you when we did!
For those asking, and I hope you don’t mind me sharing - there is always sixtyupgrades. It is not nearly as good as AMR and attempting to use it at the start of each xpac almost instantly results in me paying for AMR Classic’s latest release, but it is similar and not just a list on wowhead. Looks like I’ll have to put in the time to figuring this one out finally:
hey, is there any of sites that work like Ask Mr. Robot for classic Cata. I’ve only ever used ask mr robot so wasn’t sure about the others that work like his one does.
Please bring this back. The struggle is real!
Not seen anything
This site doesnt even make sense to me. It just seems to show my character inventory and no option to optimise things?
I’m going to throw in my 2 cents here - because i’ve been subscribing to you guys since the original caty… This hits me hard, i don’t play retail, and don’t intend to. I would gladly shell out more per month to have classic covered. This site has been a “must-go” for me for what? 14 years? Ha, your product is spectacular, and unsubbing was really hard. While i understand your reasoning, i hope you find a solution that doesn’t leave the classic players without good ol’ mr robot. Best wishes.
this is off topic man - make a new thread for a topic like this. there are other sites, none as good as AMR, but they do exist. Or do a google search.
Started Dragonflight after this announcement, having a blast. TWW here I come. Would never have believed this looking back.
1 year sub purchased obv.
We have been thinking about this a lot. Our development for TWW is in full-swing now that the beta client is available to us. As it seems blizzard is moving towards releasing more content like SoD, MoP remix, classic versions, etc. - we have been brainstorming ideas for how we could try to support some of these accelerated-schedule events/releases. The timing of cata being so close to TWW is unfortunate right now, but we are hopeful that we can come up with something to pick the classic track back up after TWW development is done.
Sorry to hear that, I use AMR only for classic as such I have canceled my subscription.
I really hope yall can make a cata version sometime soon. Been using yall for many years and sad to hear there wont be one. Dont like having to go back to wowhead or icy-veins due to their info isnt as detailed like AMR is. Still wont give up hope that there will be a AMR Cata in the future
Completely agree. Im having issues with my hunter now. Really wish they didnt give up on making a cata version. I still have hope they will in the future though.
So there is hope guys, there is hope!
I gotta love you for this!!!
Please pick it back up. AMR was the first thing I installed when I came back to classic. Really hurt to unsub for Cata.
Fingers crossed - thanks for being open to this.
My credit card is just sitting here idling. Take my money
Oh man. I get it. But at the same time way to just dump us by the side of the road. Kind of feels like a betrayal considering that I’ve given actual money to support y’all. And with retail being boring trash that I’m not all that interested in playing.
I understand, and I’m not writing you off just yet. I’ve been using your service since original WotLK. but at the same time it sucks and makes me less interested in investing in the future. I do hope this frees up some time for your team to spend with your friends and families.