Classic WoW Optimizer

I re-subscribed after years and I am really looking forward to pay the extra fee to unlock the new AMR classic feature! Make it happen! :slight_smile:

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Lol! Glasses needed mate, literally two posts before mine >.<

Im start thinking, that al comments like shut up and take my money or i will resubscribe to give you help is wrote by Askmrrobot bots. because a lot of people, who now playing only classic wow, still have subscription, which is useless for them, since classic wow release. So all money from subscription for this period can be considered developers support (which some people, like me, didn’t want to provide). and now they are trying to create some kind of positive background with their fake messages, for which there is no reason. and what do we really have today? expiring and useless subscription, some promises on timelines without any specifics, and now more requests for additional support through fake accounts. We have already supported you enough to release a product that we are all waiting for. even your deadline has already expired (end of November). so finish it finally. Microphone drop

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I’m sorry you feel that way.

Like we’ve stated - we never promised a specific release date for classic support. The regular subscription to the site does not include support for wow classic. Classic support will be an addon to the regular subscription for those interested in it.

We are doing our best to get it done quickly, but, as always, we will not release a product that isn’t high quality and ready to use, even if that means it takes a few more weeks.

We have not asked for any up-front money to develop classic support and we will not do so. If you would prefer to let your subscription lapse until we have support ready, that is your choice and totally reasonable - many folks have done that. It doesn’t make sense to pay for something until it is useful to you.


I personally appreciate that AMR is even taking this project on. There are other tools that just don’t exist for Classic and don’t have plans to. I don’t think WoW (Retail or Classic) would be the same game without all of the generous contributions of people’s time building addons and analytics sites.

I’m excited to see the Classic site, but patiently wait until it’s ready.


Of course you are patiently wait, couse you are bot. Normal people, Like me, who paid their subscription, because developers said that Classic ver. coming soon, already tired of waiting.

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You paid it on your own grounds though. Don’t act like you deserve praise as if you contributed to the development of their project. They have been reasonably active within the forums responding to even the silliest of posts for quality assurance. I’m excited for the release as a means of being lazy with gear sets but as stated the info has been out for 15 years. Take the time they are spending to wrap up development to learn the fundamentals of classic gearing before the Classic AMR launch so you understand why you are gearing the way you are.


Let them do the work. People decided to pay for a service that isn’t even out yet. Don’t put that blame on the developer. People need to actually think before they act.

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We’re talking about $12/yr…
You can certainly wait until it’s out before you pay.

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Thanks for your patience - it has been really interesting re-familiarizing myself with WoW classic. Today I’m working on Druids, which I never even played in classic. I was vaguely aware of stuff like power-shifting, but never took the time until now to really understand it. The game is so different now than it was back then!


Is there anything we can do to help? Like with wowhead I have the wowhead addon that gathers information that gets uploaded to them on kills, gathers and stuff.

Hit me up if you need beta testers for the classic feature!

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Same, if you need help I can beta test. I play Classic far too much unfortunately. :slight_smile:

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I’m excited to hear you are working on a wow classic version. I’ll definitely renew my subscription and/or pay for this version once it has been completed.


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Fantastic news that you’re working on a classic version, patiently waiting!

Wuhu, nice to know! Take my money ^^

Wait does this mean ill have to sub to the retail version, then an additional classic version sub?

Will there be an option for a classic only sub since i havent played retail since month prior to classic launch

If you look back to yellow’s post, we’re going to do the classic support as a one-time fee that unlocks it on your premium account.

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cool stuff !

ready for it!

Anyone else checking back two/three times a day to see if it’s out :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: