Classic WoW Optimizer

Anyone have a level 60 resto druid with at least some +healing gear that could do a test for me? If so hit me up in a DM or on discord!

i hope this gets done before wow classic has no player left :confused:

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WoW classic is a marathon, not a sprint! Or so I’ve been told?

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Hey! First of all, thank you so much for putting in the effort to develop AMR for classic. I would like your honest opinion on this, do you think the classic version will be out before BWL. Blizzard didn’t mention a set date, but did mention it would be out in Q1.

Yeah, it’ll be out really soon. Only thing that could push it back is if we have to take a couple weeks and do 8.3 stuff before we can finish it, but even then it should hopefully be done before or soon after 8.3 in retail.

I’m shocked by how little actual “math” I’m finding out there for classic. We really need actual formulas and stuff to make the site even function, so we’re pounding through it!


Just thank you all.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and happy holidays all , i just wanted to say thank you to AMR for
working on the classic version.

Like many i have stopping playing wow regular and only play classic so i am very interested in the progress for the classic version.

I also have no problem paying a 1 time fee to unlock the classic version to make up all the upfront work
they are having to do to get classic up and running.
thanks AMR

Thanks! We’re back from the holidays and hammering away at both classic and 8.3. We plan to release them both around the same time. Which comes first really depends on how long it takes to get one or the other polished up enough to release.


That’s great!
Can you give paladins option to use different seals and judgments for DPS?
There is a group of paladins, who are testing spell power builds with SoR or SoC depend on weapon to increase dps (with positive results) and we would be grateful for giving us a tool to calculate some different things.

Yeah, I can make an option to change the seal you want used for the the gear ranking calculations.

Finding an exact formula for how SoR scales is actually pretty difficult… there is a lot of differing opinion out there.

Hmmm. You can try contact on discord with:

  • Theloras#3076 - guy with probably the biggest knowledge about vanilla paladins and their mechanic
  • Despotus#9203 - he is a author of gear simulator spreadsheet for paladins
  • Despotus Paladin Spreadsheet v0.3.6 - Google Sheets - link to spreadsheet (quite outdated now)
  • Discord - spreadsheet and paladin theorycrafting discord

Hey any News regarding the classic optimizer ? maybe some sort of beta testing version or something ? do mages first, they are easy :wink:

We are finishing up 8.3 stuff - pretty close. I should be able to get back to work on classic today.

I already did mages, they were easy :wink:


Yes – we have most of the 8.3 stuff functioning, now it’s a matter of ranking it all. But we can work on classic while all the rankings crank away on the global network over the next 2 weeks.

The export strings that people have been posting have been helping a lot! We have a fully functional test version of the UI for classic: Best in Bags, Best in Slot, Worst in Bags, and Upgrade Finder. (We are skipping the Gear Check for classic because all it would do is enchants… which isn’t that interesting.)

We have rankings more or less working for several classes, Swol is finishing up the rest this week and next. I’ll be working on tweaking the optimization algorithm itself – right now it is a modified version of what we use on live, but it doesn’t quite work out with classic, so we need to change some things to get it picking better gear. Ideally those changes aren’t too difficult to make, mainly optimizations around set bonuses.

Does anybody know when BWL is going to be released?

That does sound great - can’t wait to play around with your recommendations. :smirk:

The only official info on phase 4 has been in one sentence in the phase 3 announcement: “Blackwing Lair and Darkmoon Faire are coming in early 2020”. Personally I’d expect that to be more like late february or even march to keep some time between 8.3 and BWL though…

how much is classic mr robot projected to be?

thanks for the work you have done :wink:

Do we have a date yet when i it will be out? (:slight_smile:
can’t wait for it

We’re still pretty hopeful for getting it done this month - we don’t like to promise exact dates… it’s really easy to get behind because of some unexpected complication.


BWL? 12 February

Welp, and obviously Blizzard likes to screw with my expectations just a day after I posted…

So… earlier as expected, oh well. Guess I’ll be quite busy with 8.3 and BWL then. :rofl: