Dragonflight Season 4 Updates

On a Paladin, I am getting “Wyrmforged” items from a number of weekly quest reward boxes. The Catalyst recognizes that these can be changed to tier items, but Ask Mr. Robot does not.
In the screenshot, only the wrists show up as available to the Catalyst, but I also have a pair of Wyrmforged gloves that can be catalyzed. I previously used the Catalyst on Wyrmforged Shoulders, which successfully made tier shoulders, but did not show up as eligible in AMR.

If you post a help snapshot ID, we can use your cast to test it out. Instructions on how to do that in this post:

We have to add catalyst sources manually (as far as I can tell there is no information in the client data indicating what is or is not eligible for the catalyst), and in the past it was usually pretty specific what sources were allowed. What activities do these “wyrmforged” items come from? I know that some people were saying that these items were supposed to work, but then they didn’t, but then they patched it… really wish Blizzard would post a definitive list of catalyst sources!

Well I never got a test case, but I did an update that allows the world quest/outdoor PvE armor (wyrmforged, Ohn’ahran Falconer’s, Ottuk Hide, and Cobalt Watcher’s gear) on the veteran track or higher to count as a catalyst source. I also included Time Rift and Dreamsurge items if they are on the veteran track or higher.

Please let us know if you notice any other items available in the catalyst not appearing on the website.