Mr Robot not seeing gear that i have equipped or in my bags

Hi Folks

when I import to Mr R , its not recognizing that I have two polearms , “Stone Sentinel Poleaxe of the harmonious” and Stone Sentinel Poleaxe of the Feverflare" , its also not listing an mace I have in my bags "Redeemers Mace of the Peerless, this means I cant sort all my specs out as it does my blood spec ok , but then refuses my frost spec to have a weapon and keeps trying to equip my old one hand legendries ,

can you help , if I click on weapon they are just not in the list so I cant force lock them, i use all three specs for different content so need all three to work

thanks for any help and suggestions

PS I don’t see any help button it just sends me here to Forum

Press the “help” link next to the big “Best in Bags” section header, then click Create Support Post, and copy the generated snapshot ID here. With that we can see your exact setup and give you more help.

Without seeing the details, you could try doing the following to ensure that all your data is up to date:


thanks for the reply , but it still insists "Blades of the fallen prince " (legion artifact Ilvl 70) should be equipped in frost over any ilvl 131 I have in my bags .

If I click on weapon and try to customize to the one (i have 3 different ilvl131 and it only shows 1 in custom list as a 7.27% upgrade) of the weapons I get an error message , " Item Conflict

You cannot equip a two-handed weapon in your main hand with an item in your off hand."

I can force it to use this one weapon it lists by blanking off hand and locking it in place.

thanks in advance of your help

Press the “help” link next to the big “Best in Bags” section header, then click Create Support Post, and copy the generated snapshot ID here. With that we can see your exact setup and give you more help.


hope this is right in all the years i have used this i have never had an issue , so thank you for doing such a great job, i would be lost on my 17 alts without it :slight_smile: :smiley:

Frost DK can only use one 2H or two 1H weapons at any one time. For some reason, even in the presence of two 1H weapon and a single 2H weapon - and a setup selection of Any, two 1H weapons are still preferred.

Correct… only a Fury Warrior can dual wield 2H Weapons.

ah i see , i never noticed the setting for making it pick 2 hand , i set it to that and it works now

:slight_smile: :grinning:

problem solved ty

Thanks I’ll take a look – it should be picking the 2-hander instead of the one-handers in this case.

(In general, dual-wield frost is better than 2-handed frost, but not THAT much better.)

So in this case… I think the optimizer is doing the correct thing, but it is showing the wrong change in DPS from your current to optimized gear. Even with really low-ilvl weapons, using better runeforges is an increase. Since Blood is your top spec, Stoneskin Gargoyle is required on your 2-hander. Even using low-level 1-handers with razorice/fallen crusader would be a gain.