The percentage increase is showing 15% above the old values, yet the old values are the same as the newly selected ones.
This is occurring regularly and I cannot seem to get it to stop giving the false value.
This started occurring after I selected custom secondary stats, did some tests, then I reset the secondary stats to default.
I have deleted my char profile on the website and re uploaded it using the import string and it still results in saying there is a 15% increase.
I just tried the fix described here https://forums.askmrrobot.com/t/how-to-reset-all-gear-data-in-the-in-game-addon/10565 The same miscalculation is occurring.
I deleted the the local data cache (AskMrRobot.lua) to fully reset the addon.
Same results as above.
Note to make sure the right cache was deleted, I used file recreation and size as a measure, the old file size was 3MB the new file size is 203K.