Possible contradiction between Upgrade Finder and Worst in Bag

Am I reading this correctly?
Looking at Desperate Invoker’s Codex, should I upgrade for a +4.13% upgrade or delete as Junk?

Could you post a snapshot of this case so we can look at in more detail?

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Roger that…Will head to Help link.

Am I reading this correctly?
Looking at Desperate Invoker’s Codex, should I upgrade for a +4.13% upgrade or delete as Junk?



On Worst in Bags, you have set the option:

Discard items that are…

More than [5]

item levels below your best item in that slot, using fully upgraded ilvl for all items

That is very aggressive… I would recommend setting that to a much higher value, especially if your gear is not fully upgraded yet. Start at 45 or so, then ratchet it down if your inventory is still too full of gear that you never tend to use.

Thank you! I’ll do a reset as recommended.