Shadowlands Simulator Beta

Simulator updated with the beta build from thursday/friday – that was a pretty big one, they added and changed a lot of stuff. They’re starting to do serious re-balancing, and they are also still redesigning some legendaries and conduits, which is all very promising.

Development on rotations is ongoing!


We did an update with the tweaked soulbind trees from yesterday’s beta build. We have most of the other changes implemented as well… but we’re still working on a few – plan to have them done tomorrow sometime.

These weekly beta builds have had a lot of changes (the last 3 have changed 500+ relevant spells each), and we anticipate something similar going forward. So it will usually take us 1-2 days to sort out each build.


Blizzard definitely needed the extra time. It’s a little disturbing to see these big changes hit that will just require more balancing down the road.

Keep up the good work!