TBC Classic Optimizer is under development

Yes, we’ll have options for tanks, and hit/exp cap customization options (and our models will of course handle them automatically, but some people like to force other approaches).

Retail is far more complex that TBC, and benefits a lot more from an optimizer, in our opinion. There are simply a lot more sources of gear, tons of different levels of gear, a lot more spells and spell effects interacting with each other in hard-to-predict ways, etc.

For TBC, I think that the main benefit of AMR is its convenience – it will save a lot of time sorting through gear, maintaining multiple gear sets, and picking gems. The optimizer is also very clever when it comes to picking gear to reach your desired thresholds like hit/exp, and avoidance for tanks. It can find solutions that most people don’t think to try.

Which is exactly the reason I wanna use it on my tank alt :wink:

It’s just very convenient to not try out gem/gear combos for crit-/crushimmune stuff myself so I’m looking forward to it.

Also TBC is when gear begins to get a little more complex with the addition of gems.

WotLK though… I hope you are able to dust off the OG code to get a jumpstart on reforging <3

Really wish I would have seen “Still in Development” Before I signed back into it. I keep checking, but still no TBC update. sigh.

I’ve been holding tank gear that “may” be an upgrade for my tank, but trying to figure the mix of Def Cap, stam, hit, threat, etc. would be so much easier with AMR running for TBC! I sure hope it won’t be long. Thanks for the hard work!

Check my post a few before this one – Blizzard decided to rush the 9.1 patch, so it has delayed us a little on TBC. Our best estimate for getting TBC done is mid-July now. It’s annoying that they decided to rush 9.1… it really needs more polish before they release it… but we just have to roll with it.

We’re trying to finish both TBC and 9.1 as quickly as possible, but there’s only so many hours in the day to get work done!

I’m sorry they decided to rush it. That doesn’t keep you from doing TBC first. Since, you know, it landed first. Otherwise you’re implying that TBC players can be put on hold and that’s preferential to retail. Which, as you’ve stated, has already gotten in the way. How do you respond when someone barges into your office and demands your attention when you’re already in the middle of something? You tell them to wait. Same principle.

More than 95% of our users are retail players. We always have the website updated for retail patches. The TBC optimizer is an add-on product for a small (but passionate!) group of people. It will be released when available - we have always been 100% up-front about retail taking precedence in our schedule and that the TBC optimizer would not be available June 1st. We have been working literally day and night for most of June, updates will be posted ASAP.


Just let us know when it’s out, been a member forever, SL right now isn’t really my interest maybe after it, but I am loving TBC / Classic again.

Thanks for all your hard work. Even a beta out would be helpful.

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Yea yea retail is the money maker understand being ready for the patch…BUT

Having so few classic subs PROBABLY has something to do with coming into classic 6 months late, and now at LEAST a month late into tbc. but you know could be totally a coincidence?

Maybe plan ahead better for wotlk and not wait until after release to start working on the sim?

I mean I posted about TBC at the end of march so instead of casually working on it for 2 months prior to release you guys made the decision to START on it like a week before TBC release? Now we get it after a retail patch that releases at the end of june… Feelsbadman

Thanks guys for keeping us updated on the TBC release timeframe. I’ll be happy to support you guys whenever it’s available. I found it invaluable in Classic, and look forward to using it again in TBCC. Thanks for your work on this!

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Sorry but the tbc comes has long been clear!
and 9.1 is not rushed but delayed!

I can totally respect that your primary focus is on retail. That makes complete sense since it’s probably a lot of your revenue share. Again, I can respect that but…

What’s frustrating me is that the TBC Beta invites started rolling out on March 23, 2021. Ideally, assuming you got a beta invite within half a month, AMR had just over 2 months before TBC was actually released on June 1st. Surely you could have got this done within 2 months and possibly made tweaks/fixes after release. At least the heavy lifting would have been done before release time though.

I’ve been paying for it while hoping it would be available just after June 1st. I don’t play retail at all so classic is the only reason I pay for it. I kept paying instead of pausing my subscription to support your efforts nonetheless.

I find AMR very valuable even while levelling so not having it available is very frustrating for my levelling chars as well as my max-level chars.

Don’t feel obligated to reply. I just wanted to make my opinion known.


Yeah, I think there is a little miscommunication going on. I’m not saying that it would have been impossible for us to have a BC optimizer done by June 1st. If we knew for sure we were going to do it no matter what, it could have been ready a while ago. It was a tough decision for us to make - we had to weigh doing that project vs doing other work/contracts we have an opportunity to pursue, and then juggle all the various schedules/deadlines to make everything happen.

I understand that BC players would much prefer the BC optimizer right away. I understand we would probably get a few extra subscribers if it were out right now. We aren’t arguing that point at all. As soon as we committed to the project, we started working and won’t stop until it is done.


hello to you all I bought a WoW Classic Upgrade 10 usd license and Premium Subscription 12 usd for a year. but here all my characters are on TBC and the optimizer does not work for my characters what should I do please? reimbursement ?

Refer to the first post in the thread - it answers your question!

Keep on carrying on with your work guys. A lot of ideas being bounced around in here about the optimizer and when it should have been started etc., but I definitely know where you all are coming from on this. There was a thread asking for support that got all this kicked off and under way. The fact that you’ve come this far is appreciated from me. Anything you all need from exports etc., let us know!

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I keep checking back to see if it’s done early. Wishful thinking…

Thank you for working on this at all. I totally get you can’t start work on something that A) may not really be interesting to you and B) not something people are looking for. I also respect that you did listen to customers even if the number making the request is small compared to the rest of customer base. I’ve been using this site since Cataclysm and have found the site a great learning tool. Keep up the great work and I look forward to buying another update.

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I gave up on retail ages ago but am loving tbc now. I get your priorities, but massively appreciate you doing this for TBC. I will be a customer again once it is working!


Hello, is there any ETA for the TBC optimizer?
Im playing an enhancement shaman and all the theory-crafting is incredibly sketchy