TBC Classic Optimizer is under development

We’re getting very close on TBC! Thanks for everyone’s patience, we know it has been tough. We can’t give an exact day, but our goal is at the latest, we’ll have a working TBC version next week sometime.

(The first version of our site was a Death Knight simulator that came out towards the end of WotLK, it looked and worked very differently from anything you see today. Then we made a stat-weight based reforge, gem, and enchant optimizer during Cataclysm. Best in Bags first became available sometime in Mists of Pandaria. This is one reason why Classic and TBC have been a bit of extra work – we don’t have any old code laying around for these versions of the game.)


Appreciate the update, thanks :slight_smile:

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very cool, thanks for the update, looking forward to this thing

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I’m so excited to use it again in BC !
Thank you for all the work done !

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Does anyone know if Idol of Ursoc (Idol of Ursoc - Item - TBC Classic) adds 8 damage to each tick of lacerate, or spread out across all 5 ticks?

The damage increase is per tick. With this idol, your lacerate will tick 40 more damage total (8 x 5).

Thanks - it looks like the set bonus from nordrassil works the opposite probably, spreading the 15 damage across the 5 ticks.

waiting on that one!

Thanks for the update, excited to try this out. Appreciate you guys making a TBC version of this tool. I used it extensively in Clasic.

Compared to Raidbots:
AMR can faster compare much more items with similar results
AMR allow us to make changes and refresh results much faster
AMR allow us to transfer data between wow client and service much faster
AMR allow us to simulate multiple gearset in the same time.

To be fair. I don’t care which one is more accurate, because differences between results are marginal with different sim methods. On AMR i can safe a lot of time xD If i dont want something from AMR result i can always exclude item or something like that and problem solved.

I miss only one thing. AMR is focused stricte on Raids and M+, when on classic i really miss to sim some alternatives like for example tanky gear for retribution for solo pve or pvp. It’s the only one thing that i must always consider manually and takes a lot of time. Arms warrior have something like Toughness, when i must analyse and copy results from Protection (with ret talents) and set them manually on Retribution to save them as layout and export that to the game :smiley: Then stamina, parry, armor, defence, agility are more valuable to reflect some damage to enemy and survive longer to make less brakes.

And remember. max 9% hit for 2H, max 6.5% expertise, bosses have mostly 73 lvl and 7700 amor xD

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I think you mean AMR.

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The main difference I’ve noticed in using different ones during this drought of my lord and saviour, Ask Robot, Mr. is that I can’t set max stats on their sites, only weights. AMR is way better at finding unique gear combinations that both keep me at 9% hit AND are an improvement.

Can’t wait for this to be back.


I have used several add ons for wow, to help with gear related decisions. AMR is bar far the best one. I have had email conversations with one person at AMR, a women if I recall correctly, and she has helped me many times with issues, more so my misunderstandings. I am pretty sure if I email one of the other gear sim places, they wont get back to me. AMR has a great product and great customer service.

Just so you all know - we’re tightening up the optimizer itself and getting into the testing/debugging phase. I’ve created a scoring function that theoretically works for all classes/specs - I’m sure I will find zero bugs as I test it! We’re still hopeful for a release next week (probably near the end of the week).

It is really hard to deal with meta gems, jc gems, and socket bonuses. It seems like it should be easy… but it creates a very difficult constrained optimization problem to solve.


Thank you Swol. This is great news.


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I do appreciate it. Looking forward to this.

Can’t wait! I’ve been checking the site like twice a week


That’s it? Dem’s rookie numbers right der…

im checking 1 time per day me

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waiting waiting… really been missing this