Here’s a screenshot:
The circled area is a description of what the gearing strategy is trying to do, and you can click the “view optimal stat graph” to see a visualization of stat combinations that tend to rank well. Note that the actual gearing strategy has a
lot more data than is depicted here – it is meant as a quick way to visualize the general trends in the strategy.
Using simc and raidbots is a popular approach – but “stat weights” are not involved anywhere in that process. That uses a brute-force approach of just simulating combinations of gear and picking one from the results. Very few people use the stat weight feature of simc for anything serious anymore, but many people use the simulator itself.
If you want to brute force it using the AMR simulator, you can do that as well. We have a powerful tool for setting up combinations of gear to simulate. You’ll get very similar results 9 times out of 10. The main difference is that you run the simulations on your own computer instead of on our servers – the advantage of that approach is that it is free and unlimited (well, only limited by the power of your own computer).
Our optimizer (which is different than our simulator) uses a slightly different approach: we run millions of carefully sampled simulations for you beforehand, and then do a statistical analysis of the results to produce a model that then ranks gear. This sometimes produces slightly different optimizations than using raw simulation data, but at that point it’s kind of splitting hairs. It is difficult (impossible?) to prove which approach would hold up better in a real game situation. There’s just not enough hours in the day to perform a controlled enough in-game test of very similar sets of gear.
The customization features are designed precisely to allow you to use a different source or tool to optimize your gear. The design principle is this: if you look at our default advice compared to the advice of pretty much any other tool or website, it is very similar for almost everything. The differences are almost always tiny, or limited to a couple of specific items that are more popular in some circles, or a particular play style that is trending and favors a particular combinations of azerite traits or items, or a slightly different stat emphasis.
Instead of requiring a person to completely describe to us how to rank every possible piece of gear or combination of gear, we have you override just the major things of interest to you. Then we fall back on our default strategy to fill in the rest for you.
To help give you that “warm and fuzzy” feeling: all of our gear rankings are based on our simulator, the details of which are completely open to anyone to browse. You can see how every spell is implemented in detail (Not Available). You can see exactly how we assume you’ll play your spec (Not Available). We test this data regularly and compare it to logs of real fights by high-end players.
If those things look good to you, then we guarantee that our default gearing strategies will allow you to be competitive at the highest levels – they are based directly on that information.
That said – we don’t think that our defaults are the only way you could gear. Quite the contrary – we know for a fact that many different variations will work just as well or nearly as well. Don’t be hesitant to customize, or look at popular guides or players and tweak the optimizer to follow their styles.