Wrath of the Lich King Classic Updates

I guess that I don’t see anything unusual there – they rank really close to each other (within 0.25%). If you move the slider a little more towards DPS from toughness, it picks staff of trickery. Further towards toughness, it picks the enraged feral staff. That makes sense to me.

I’m trying the poison both ways, and then using whichever scores better, so the optimizer can pick the optimal weapons. I need to post one more update and then it should be working completely. I plan to post the final version today sometime.

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If that is the case, I would like to understand the math better…
Is there any where I can see the stat weights used in the calcs?

Armor from trinkets / weapons/ jewelry still seems overweight to me…
Enraged Feral Staff is:
-17.1 dps
-76 Attack Power
-315 in forms
-11 Agi
-16 Stam
+700 armor

That 700 armor should work out to about a 1.64% reduction in physical damage received.
So by my math, you would need to be getting hit for greater than 10,000 for the percentage reduction to win out over the stamina?
I dont know how numbers work…

Tonight’s update has the completed rankings for all specs! We will of course test them a bit more, but they should be working pretty well for all specs now.

@welbutrin Armor that isn’t on cloth/leather items is being treated as “bonus armor” for druids that is not multiplied by any armor multipliers from talents or bear form. That said, any armor is still armor – it’s still a good toughness stat.

The relationship between damage reduction and stamina for evaluating tank gear is tricky… they are difficult to equate directly. We use some calculation models to attempt to reach a good balance between the two. That can be tweaked if people feel that the optimizer is generally undervaluing stamina. In most of the tests I ran it seemed to favor stamina pretty highly, but there are certainly combinations of gear, talents, etc. that could shift that around.

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I’m not sure berserking which is recommended for me as a protection paladin is well modelised, since this proc disminish armor.

Even in full TUF setup it’s recommended.

RE: balance druids

It appears that the spirit > Spellpower conversion from the improved Moonkin form talent isn’t being considered when recommending enhancements.

Snapshot: 0aedb9ffb5c34c9a90cc44e1901b84e4

The leg enchants with spirit should have a slight edge over the ones with stam.

Finally getting back to playing after being two weeks without power due to Hurricane Ian. Looks like most of my Qs have been answered here already, save one: I’m telling the optimizer not to socket gems by selecting None for Gem Quality, but it’s still calculating the use of TBC gems. Is there a setting I’m missing that will keep these gems blanked?

If you post a snapshot we can take a closer look. Usually this happens because if you have some gems already in your gear, it makes them available as gems for the rest of your gear… the None filter combined with some gear that already has gems can get into a bit of a weird state. If you give me an example I can try to improve it a little bit… but usually the None option is something only used for a few days while leveling.

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@JayHills Thanks for the report, we’ll fix that sometime today. I managed to get Lunar Guidance and Improved Tree of Life (which work similarly)… but somehow missed the bonus form Improved Moonkin Form, sorry about that.

@devybzh I’ll take a look, we have an algorithm that is used to weight damage vs. defense and adjust it with the toughness level slider, and I think that needs some adjustment for protection paladin. It is currently favoring damage too much at all levels.

Snapshot: 16f1214662cd4751ba62f451d22372fe

You’re right that some of my gear still has old gems, but some of the recommendations are new cuts. For example, the 'bot wants me to put Agility/Hit Rating TBC gems in my gear.

Snapshot: 2f7ca955b0654d4196088b83acbb818d

  1. Recommending a leatherworking-only leg enchant when this character doesn’t have leatherworking.
  2. Even when set to “All TUF” it’s recommending straight Agility gems when virtually every other sim/guide/theorycrafting site says to gem straight Stamina (except to satisfy metagem requirements) for feral tank druids.
  3. If there’s a single perfect cut uncommon gem equipped, it’ll recommend replacing all the non-prefect uncommon gems with perfects even if the “Allow Perfect Gems” box is unchecked.

I’m at 190 Hit Rating on my arcane mage, and have all raid buffs checked, which puts me above hit cap (184), however the best in bags keeps making me equip higher hit items. Is there a way for force hit cap on the optimizer?

@factura If you post a snapshot we can take a closer look. The optimizer should get you a good amount of hit without having to force it to do anything.

@luckton I’ll make some more tweaks so the “None” gem option works better.

@bazookaduke I can make it value stamina more aggressively for guardians if that is what is popular, and flag those two leg enchants as LW only.

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I think I forgot to include Arcane Focus in the scoring function - thought yellow had put that in the stat calcs. I’ll update the scoring function and it should then work as expected.

Hey just a Question: Why do i need 1% more Hitcap to reach the Meleecap in askmrrobot ?
If i calculate it says me i should have with talents and Equip 9% but i have exatly 8% ingame.
My Spec is Frost-DK.

Keep up the good work lads.

I’d have to see your case. If you are dual-wielding, then hit would still have value above the special attack hit cap, so maybe that could be what you are seeing. Sometimes the itemization makes it such that landing on an exact hit value isn’t that important.

Thank you! Do you know when it will be updated?

We’ve been posting updates every day, so I assume later on today sometime.

Thanks! I don’t necessarily object to the bot’s rankings if the difference is very small, but it avoids some awkward conversations with PUGs who might not be willing to accept that agi is technically better than stam. :roll_eyes:

Snapshot: f4a505552704460d9775a2cdfbe5719e

The recommendations here are better, but I think agi is still being weighted too high relative to stam, especially the farther towards “All TUF” the slider is. If you consider an item with a single red socket and a +4 agi socket bonus, putting a +8 agi/+12 stam gem results in a net gain of +12 agi and +12 stam. But, a blue gem is worth +24 stam, and +12 stam is not worth +12 agi – other sims are weighting agi at about slightly more than half the value of equivalent stam. In other words, a +8agi/+12 stam gem in a red socket is only better than a +24 stam gem if the socket bonus is at least +13 agi.

If I do the rough math (weighting stam at 8 and agi at 4.5), even if the socket bonus is +9 stam, it’s never worth it to gem anything other than straight stam if your goal is to maximize EHP. Except to meet metagem requirements, and even then you only need a single nightmare tear to satisfy either of the tanking metagems.